Winter Newsletter 2024

Winter Newsletter 2024

Tēnā Koutou katoa

At NZWiR, we are dedicated to supporting and elevating our members and women in the roofing industry. Our focus is on upholding our pillars of Mentoring, Education, Networking, and Recruitment. As a committee, our goal is to enhance our communications and memberships while emphasizing the importance of building and nurturing relationships with women supporting women.

Being part of a tribe sets us apart!

Upcoming AGM

We have our Annual AGM scheduled for July. This event will be held via a Teams meeting. An email will be sent out to all our members, with nomination forms attached. If you are keen or considering becoming a committee member, I encourage you to apply. It is a great opportunity to grow personally, learn new skills, and join a team of inspiring, dedicated, and passionate women.

New Roofing Scholarship

We are collaborating with Vertical Horizons to offer a Roofing Scholarship later this year. This will be an amazing opportunity for a woman currently working in a roofing team who wants to obtain qualifications and learn new skills.

Exciting News: Children’s Story Book

We have some exciting news! Our Children’s Story Book committee, in conjunction with Martin Finney and Kata Bagyon-Parker, has completed the book “My Mum’s A Roofer.” This fantastic, fun, and beautifully illustrated soft-covered book tells the story of a mother who is a roofer and takes readers on a journey through her work. The book will be launched in the next couple of weeks and will be available for purchase via the website in the next month or two.

Informative Webinars

Please remember to check out and attend our informative Webinars, organized regularly by our lovely Gen from NZ Steel who is also the Auckland Branch leader. These webinars contain valuable content for all to learn from. If you miss them on the day, they are now available on our website for you to view at your convenience.

View the Webinars

Regional Meetings

Lastly, the committee is planning to hold two regional NZWiR meetings in the coming year. We aim to have one in the South Island and one in the North Island. We are looking for members interested in helping with our mission and making these meetings memorable. If you are keen to join the subcommittee, please email us at

Remember, in all that you do – Lean in, look up. Great things are ahead.

Ngā mihi,
Debbie Wickliffe
NZWiR Chair.

Newsletter – February 2024

Newsletter – February 2024

Kia Ora and nau mai haere mai!

Welcome to 2024 with New Zealand Women in Roofing!

Kia ora and warm wishes to all our incredible wāhine in the roofing whānau as we step into the vibrant landscape of 2024! Aotearoa’s rooftops continue to rise, shaped by your skilled hands, sharp minds, and unwavering determination. We, at New Zealand Women in Roofing (NZWiR), stand alongside you, celebrating your achievements and cheering you on as you pave the way for a more diverse, inclusive, and thriving roofing industry.

Looking back at 2023, we witnessed remarkable accomplishments by our members. Laura Cross, of Bremick Fasteners the recipient of the prestigious Outward Bound Scholarship, pushing her limits and inspiring others. To the new members joining the committee and sharing their passion and expertise to help our mission to grow and support our members.  Congratulations to all who have had a promotion, change of position, and growth within the sector.

As we embark on this new year, we’re brimming with excitement for what lies ahead. We invite you to:

  • Join us in our mission: Become a member of NZWiR and gain access to our valuable network, mentoring opportunities, educational resources, and career-boosting tools. We’re stronger together!
  • Connect and empower: Attend our upcoming events, workshops, and conferences—vibrant spaces to share experiences, learn from fellow professionals, and forge lasting connections.
  • Raise your voice: Share your stories, insights, and challenges. Your voice matters, and we’re here to amplify it. Let’s advocate for a workplace that embraces change and creates equal opportunities for everyone.
  • Embrace the future: Be part of shaping the future of the roofing industry. Share your ideas, contribute to our initiatives, and help us build a sustainable and inclusive industry for all.

Remember, wāhine toa, you are the backbone of the roofing industry. Your strength, resilience, and expertise are invaluable. With NZWiR by your side, we can achieve anything we set our minds to.

So, let’s embrace the challenges and opportunities that 2024 presents with confidence and collaboration.

Ka kite āno

Debbie Wickliffe

On behalf of the New Zealand Women in Roofing team

Meet the sponsors

From the iron sand of the west coast to the roof over your head – it takes a village. New Zealand Steel is proud NZWiR is a part of that village!


New Zealand Steel, the only steel mill in New Zealand, has been leading the way in producing high-quality products for over 50 years, with a product range central to major markets including
manufacturing, infrastructure, packaging, agriculture, and construction – including roofing & cladding with our flagship brand, COLORSTEEL®.

Proudly New Zealand’s favourite roof, COLORSTEEL® is renowned for its durability, low maintenance, and aesthetic appeal.

Beyond our commitment to creating and inspiring smart solutions in steel to strengthen our communities for the future, New Zealand Steel actively supports and empowers women in the steel, construction, and roofing industries. While these industries have traditionally been male-dominated, New Zealand Steel is working to change this by actively promoting gender diversity and inclusion, recently winning the Diversity NZ Inclusive Workplace (Medium-Large organisation) category, in recognition of our efforts to create a more inclusive workplace for both working caregivers and pregnant employees. 


This commitment to equal employment opportunities has seen a continued and steady increase in the number of women employed by New Zealand Steel, now sitting at approximately 20% of our workforce. 2018 saw New Zealand Steel hire the first female CEO, Gretta Stephens, now BlueScope’s Chief Executive Officer, Climate Change and Sustainability.

With Zealand Steel actively promoting and working to achieve a stronger workplace and industry diversity and inclusion, when the opportunity to support New Zealand Women in Roofing at its conception came up, it was a no brainer. Partnering with NZWiR and encouraging employees to become members, allows us to better understand the needs of the industry, exchange experiences, to learn from and support females within the roofing community.

Here are some of New Zealand Steel’s superstars that turn steel making into an art form, from the very start of the process of making steel to delivering COLORSTEEL® for your roofs.

Thanks, NZWiR for having us as part of your team.

Achieving Optimal Health Through Lifestyle Medicine: A Guide for Women – Nuture By Ange

In a world brimming with fad diets, miracle supplements, and quick-fix solutions, the concept of achieving optimal health can often seem like an elusive goal.  However, there’s a holistic and scientifically backed approach that’s gaining traction for its effectiveness in promoting well-being: lifestyle medicine.  In this blog, we’ll delve into the world of lifestyle medicine and explore its significance in helping women achieve optimal health.

What is Lifestyle Medicine?

Lifestyle medicine is not just another passing trend; it’s a fundamental shift in how we approach health and wellness.  Unlike conventional medicine which often focuses on treating symptoms, lifestyle medicine aims to address the root cause of health issues by adopting a comprehensive and personalised approach.  It recognises that the choices we make in our daily lives play a pivotal role in determining our overall health outcomes.

Significance for Women’s Health:

For women, the impact of lifestyle choices is particularly profound.  The unique physiological and hormonal makeup of women means their health needs can differ from those of men.  By embracing lifestyle medicine, women can harness the power of their choices to optimise their well-being across all life stages.  Here’s why lifestyle medicine is especially significant for women:

  1. Empowerment through Knowledge: Lifestyle medicine empowers women with knowledge about their bodies and health. By understanding how nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress management affect their well-being, women can make informed choices that align with their personal goals.
  2. Prevention and Longevity: Many health conditions that women commonly face, such as heart disease, osteoporosis, and hormonal imbalances, can often be prevented or managed effectively through lifestyle interventions. By adopting healthy habits, women can enhance their longevity and quality of life.
  3. Holistic Approach: Women’s health is not solely defined by physical well-being; emotions, mental, and social aspects also play a crucial role. Lifestyle medicine encourages a holistic approach that takes all these factors into account, promoting a balanced and fulfilling life.
  4. Natural Hormone Balance: Hormonal fluctuations are a natural part of a woman’s life, from puberty to menopause. Lifestyle choices can greatly influence hormone balance, leading to reduced symptoms during these transitions.
  5. Positive Role Modelling: Women often play pivotal roles within their families and communities as caregivers and influencers. By adopting healthy habits through lifestyle medicine, they set positive examples for their loved ones and contribute to healthier communities.

Final Thoughts:  

As we embark on this journey into lifestyle medicine, remember that it’s not about drastic overhauls but rather gradual, sustainable changes.  By making conscious choices in what we eat, how we move, and how we care for our minds and bodies, we can unlock the potential for optimal health.   By embracing lifestyle medicine, women can embark on a transformative journey that not only enriches their lives but also sets a positive example for future generations.

In upcoming newsletters, we’ll explore practical steps that women can take to integrate lifestyle medicine principles into their lives and reap the benefits of improved well-being. So, let’s begin this journey of empowerment, self-care, and holistic well-being together.


Angela Smith – Nurture By Ange 

New Zealand Women in Roofing Sweatshirts

Sweatshirts are available in White and Navy.  Talk to your branch leader about ordering one today!

Outward Bound Sponsorship Winner

Outward Bound Sponsorship Winner

Laura Cross, an account manager for Bremick Fasteners, is the recipient of the 2023 New
Zealand Women in Roofing (NZWiR) Outward Bound Scholarship. The scholarship, which is
supported by industry partners, provides an opportunity for a woman working in the New
Zealand roofing industry to participate in an Outward Bound course, helping them to developtheir leadership and personal skills.

Laura is a passionate advocate for women in the roofing industry, and she is excited to use her scholarship to develop her skills and knowledge so that she can continue to support other women in the industry. She is also looking forward to the challenge of the Outward Bound course, and she is confident that it will help her to grow both personally and professionally. Laura is sure to make a significant contribution to the roofing industry
in the future.

The NZWiR Outward Bound Scholarship is a valuable opportunity for women working in the New Zealand roofing industry to develop their leadership and personal skills.

2023 RANZ Conference Dinner

2023 RANZ Conference Dinner

Women in Roofing (NZWIR) group was well-represented at the 2023 RANZ conference dinner, with over 25 members in attendance. The group was founded in 2018 to provide a supportive network for women working in the roofing industry. NZWIR members come from all over New Zealand, and they work in a variety of roles, from apprentices to CEOs.

At the dinner, NZWIR members had the opportunity to network with other women in the industry, share their experiences, and learn about the latest trends in roofing. The RANZ dinner was a great opportunity for women in roofing to connect with each other and celebrate their achievements. It was also a chance to raise awareness of the challenges that women face in this industry.

Here are some of the women who attended the WIR dinner:

1. Jenny Maxwell – Founder of NZWiR

2. Deborah Wickliffe – Chairperson of the NZWiR Committee

3. Levern Thomas – Secretary NZWiR Committee

4. Marina Ralph – Treasurer NZWiR

5. Jade Thomas – NZWiR board member and past Chairperson NZWiR

6. Olivia Larson – Vice chairperson NZWiR Committee

7. Libby Boobyer – 2023 NZWiR scholarship winner

These women are just a few of the many talented and dedicated women working in the roofing industry. They are breaking down barriers and paving the way for future generations of women in roofing.

2023 RANZ Conference Dinner